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What is WASC

Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) is the accrediting body that confirms our program here at RMHS meets the requirements for colleges and universities in the US. Accreditation validates our transcripts and ensures our students will be eligible for acceptance to 4-year colleges and universities.

The WASC process is a 6-year cycle, which includes a Self-Study Report, a four-day visit from the WASC Visiting Committee (VC), and usually a Mid-Cycle Progress Report in the third year. 

All stakeholders will be involved in contributing to the Self-Study Report. RMHS stakeholders include students, parents, faculty, staff, site and district administration, and community members. We welcome new stakeholders to assist in the Self-Study process.

If you are interested in helping, please contact the Self-Study Coordinator:  

What is SPSA

The School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a comprehensive document providing details about the school’s planned actions and expenditures to support student outcomes and overall performance, and how these actions connect to the District’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), which lays out goals for the entire District. 

The annual process of developing, reviewing, and updating the Plan is conducted by each school’s School Site Council (SSC), a collaborative, advisory group made up of school staff, parents, community members, and students.  Development of the SPSA is the Council’s primary responsibility, and offers schools and their respective communities an opportunity to:

  •          Be part of a collaborative and inclusive school support and growth process
  •          Review and analyze state and local student achievement, attendance, and climate data
  •          Engage the community in providing input to identify and develop school improvement priorities             
  •          Build relationships geared toward a mutual goal of supporting the success of all students
  •          Celebrate and highlight the work of the schools in building performance and growth


WASC Action Plan Goals:

Action Plan Goal 1: Refine and institute a robust MTSS structure, including PBIS strategies, enhanced on-campus social-emotional wellness services, and inclusive practices at all levels. 

Action Plan Goal 2: Continue to develop and employ educational technology skills in the classroom to enhance student learning. 

Action Plan Goal 3: Increase parity in all CA Dashboard indicators by providing academic supports to subgroups performing below school, district, and state averages. 

Action Plan Goal 4: Increase parent and community involvement by creating events that are accessible, supportive, and useful and which promote programs and initiatives that provide support to students. 

Additional Areas for Growth (Mid-Cycle 2022):

Continue to pursue a systematic approach to authentic assessment that is systemic and reflects student progress toward meeting proficiency of content standards.  Rio Mesa has embarked on the implementation of a mastery-based grading policy based on equity for all students.  Continue to align this policy school-wide to ensure all classes adhere to the Board Policy.

Continue to provide college and career readiness opportunities for all students, to include ongoing professional collaboration on the new IB Middle Years Programme and Career-Related Programme.