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Middle Years Programme


What is an IB Education?

MYP Programme of Study Logo
MYP Programa de Estudiar Logo

For 9th and 10th graders

9th graders are Year 4
10th graders are Year 5

First page of the PDF file: IBProgramsatRMHS2024


MYP Coordinator:

Lisette Severin

Personal Project Coordinator:

Verity Olliff


How is teaching and learning in the MYP programme any different from what we would normally be doing in a classroom?

The MYP Classroom Chart


Every class explicitly focuses on five approaches to learning

ATL skills prove a solid foundation for learning independently and with others, demonstrating learning and reflecting on the process of learning. They help students to become more autonomous, strategic and self-motivated and ultimately prepare students for responsible participation in local and global contexts. These skills should be explicitly taught in the subject areas and students are given time to practice, reflect, and receive feedback on their acquisition of these skills. 

Approaches to Learning Wheel
RM IB Approaches to Learning Chart


Subject Group Outlines and Grading Rubrics

Click the Image for more information:

Students experience the responsibility of completing a significant piece of work over an extended period of time, as well as the need to reflect on their learning and the outcomes of their work—key skills that prepare students for success in further study, the workplace and the community. 

Middle Years Programme Service as Action
Personal Project IB Middle Years Programme  Spartans head logo

Helpful Resources:

Important Policy Documents:

Academic Honesty Writing Resources


MYP Teachers by Subject Group Area