Dress Code
Students are Expected to ...
dress in a manner which reflects good taste, self-respect and pride in themselves. Clothing that is in poor taste, or that is suggestive, lewd, obscene, or drug/alcohol/gang/weapon related will not be allowed. Shoes must be worn at all times. No altered or marked clothing will be allowed. Professional sports team clothing is NOT allowed on campus. A copy of Oxnard Union High School District Board Policy 5132 is available in the office.
The following are the specific guidelines to follow:
1. No oversized pants, shorts, or gear that is identifiable as gang attire*
2. No long shorts with long socks pulled up meeting the cuff of the shorts.
3. No belt buckles with letters representing gang affiliation, weapons or drug connotations.
4. No clothing the administration considers denoting gang involvement.
5. No chains (including those to hold wallet and keys)
6. No short shorts or skirts, spaghetti straps, strapless tops or dresses, or beach attire.
7. No clothing which shows the midriff or navel.
8. No undergarments (bras, slips, boxers) worn as outer garments. No visible underwear.
9. Students should wear official RMHS or red, black or white baseball style hats, beanies or visors.
10. Hats, visors and beanies must be worn with the brim facing forward.
11. A hat, visor or beanie should be worn outdoors only.
*Currently students can wear professional athletic gear {hats, jerseys. shorts, pants} as long as it is not being used as a representation or symbolism for gang affiliation. This rule is subject to change at any point during the school year based on school or community safety concerns