Parent Faculty Organization (PFO)
Stay connected to your child and RMHS
It takes a community to raise a Spartan!
Please return the membership form with your dues ($10) in the form of cash or check only.
Make checks payable to RMHS PFO.
Dues are $10 per family.
Return the form and your family's dues to the school office or send by mail to the school:
Rio Mesa School PFO
545 Central Ave.
Oxnard, CA 93036
Co - President
Jesus Marmolejo
Co - President
Steve Romar
Carmen Soto
Verity Olliff
Faculty Representative
Shi Young Kim
Student Representative
Kelley Stone
Assistant Principal
The PFO meets at monthly at 6 pm on Wednesdays on the Rio Mesa Campus.
Upcoming meetings you can attend:
Wednesday, February 5
March 5
April 2
May 7
October 2
December 4
January 8